Hola mis amigas y mi familia!!!
Yo espero que ustedes están bueno y tienen salud! Gracias por su amor y sus oraciónes! Me gusta a leer sus emails y saber las cosas en sus vidas! Gracias, gracias, GRACIAS!
I hope you're all doing well!!! Thanks again for all the emails and all the love and support! I couldn't ask for a better support system and I'm so grateful for you all!
This past week in the CCM was amazing and I can't believe that I'm already done with 4 weeks! The time is truly flying here and its kind of nerve-wracking to realize that we only have LESS THAN 2 WEEKS LEFT! I am super sad to have my CCM experience end but I know that the true joy and happiness from this work comes out in the field. Its amazing to be here in this setting and with such amazing missionaries and teachers, but being out with the people of this country is so special. Whenever we go out somewhere, I'm reminded of my purpose here and how wonderful all the people are. They are so kind and warm and loving. I can't wait to be out serving with them!
This past week was interesting because it was all one big transition. The two districts of missionaries that were here when we first arrived left.
It was a sad few days as their departure came closer and closer. Even with this short period of time, we were all so close and there was just so much love and fun here in the CCM with these missionaries. They were great friends and examples. Just as with the Haitians leaving, their last night was very emotional. I was already crying by the second verse of "God Be with You til We Meet Again." It was so hard to say goodbye to these Elders and Hermanas who had an even larger impact on me than I had originally realized. We all ended up with secret handshakes and funny little things we would do after prayer meeting each night. They invited such a sweet and special spirit here into the CCM. We could feel their deep love for the Savior and genuine desire and dedication to this work.
This last week was also a transition because we're trying to speak only in Spanish now!! When we were talking about our new responsibilities in the CCM, President Freestone also talked about the importance of really utilizing our last two weeks. Its crazy how much we've been able to learn already and he encouraged us that we could learn TWICE as much in these last 2 weeks if we really dedicate ourselves. Hermana Larson and I have been trying to speak only Spanish with each other 24/7. Its super super super hard!! We wake up early in the morning to go run outside and instinctively start speaking in English. We have to catch ourselves and say "no solo español!" or something like that. Our teachers have higher expectations with our Spanish and are really trying to push us to learn more and apply it more. Its amazing how successful we can be when we're trying though! Hermana Diaz, our morning teacher, specifically challenged Hermana Larson and I to ONLY speak spanish for our last 2 weeks. Its been kind of impossible with the new North American missionaries who only speak English, but its definitely given us a challenge and a goal. We will go hours without speaking in English and have conversations that I would never have imagined I could carry almost entirely in Spanish. Its seriously a miracle how much we have learned. Trying to speak Spanish all the time definitely hurts my brain but its exciting to really use what we learn and put it into practice. We surprise ourselves all the time with how much we can say and understand each other even with broken Spanish. I feel so blessed to be here and to be given this opportunity. I know I wouldn't have been able to learn all this so well if it wasn't for the Spirit and the Lord's help. We have had many circumstances when we're trying to teach and can't think of what to say in Spanish. I'll be sitting there saying a quiet prayer in my head that Hermana Larson can find the words she is looking for. Its amazing when these small prayers are answered and we're able to express ourselves in Spanish. I know that our prayers and answered and that we're recieving help from all around us with Spanish.
Okay a couple more cool stories. So last Friday, our district had the opportunity to go out and actually street contact with people. We went to the university a couple blocks away and brought pamphlets and copies of The Book of Mormon to give to people. I was definitely nervous about putting our Spanish into real use. There weren't classes that day so the university was more empty than normal but we were still able to have a lot of conversations and share our message! Everyone here is so nice and they all have such faith in Christ! We explain that we want to share a message about Christ and so many people are willing to listen. Even with our broken Spanish, we are able to share our knowledge and testimonies with people. We ended up passing out 3 copies of the Book of Mormon and several pamphlets on the Restoration. We just walked around the university looking for those who were willing to listen. There was one guy named Elias that was especially nice and open. When we asked him if he had faith in Christ, he replied "Claro!". We asked him what he knew about Christ and he replied "Todo!". He was so open and willing to learn more. It was so encouraging to find someone who loved Christ and wanted to learn more about him. A little bit later, we were walking by 2 men who were washing their car. Naturally, Hermana Larson walks over and asks if they wanted help with washing it. She grabbed a towel from one of them and proceeded to start wiping down the front tire. We ended up talking about Christ and the Restoration as we helped them dry their car off. The experience at the university was really amazing and up lifting. Even though I was still a little uncomfortable with my Spanish and with talking to so many people, we were able to share our message. Tomorrow, we get to go on out with missionaries in the area! We will split up with a pair of missionaries and become their companions for the day. Its going to be a mixture of excitement and apprehension I think but it will be a great learning experience for sure!!
Okay LASTLY, this past Sunday was absolutely amazing. Its cool how all the lessons seem to build on each other and have related topics. Hermana Larson and I got to teach our district. We chose to talk about diligence and related it back to being dedicated these last 2 weeks. I know that my time here in the CCM is super special and that once I'm out in the field, we won't be able to devote as much time to learning the language or as many personal things. I'm really trying to make it my goal to treasure up these last 2 weeks and learn as much as I can. With really trying to accomplish the small things now and being diligent, I know I'll be a better missionary out in the field. Sunday was also amazing because our Relief Society lesson was on enduring to the end and being steadfast. We read scriptures on being steadfast in our faith and it was amazing for me to realize that so many of my favorite scriptures relate to this topic. One of my absolute favorite scriptures is 2 Nephi 31:20 which reads " Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if we shall press forward feasting upon the word of Christ and endure to the end, behold, this saith the Faither: Ye shall have eternal life." I absolutely love this scripture. It was the first one I've memorized in Spanish. I love this scripture and I absolutely know that its true. Its so important to press forward and strive. I know that this mission will have lots of challenges and that growing and change can be painful, but I know that if I press forward with faith, I will be able to endure these challenges. This gospel fills me with such hope and love. It brightens my life and changes the way I view every situation. It is such a blessing and I am so grateful to be able to share this "perfect brightness of hope" with my brothers and sisters here in the DR.
Sorry this week's email was especially long. Thank you all again for your emails and support!
I hope you all have a great week and I'll talk to you all next week!
Hermana Graham
P.S. Check out the picture section to see Hermanas Graham and Larson goofing off in the rain!
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