Hma Graham, a machete, & some plantains |
I hope that you all had a great week and that all is going well!!! Also happy belated Mothers Day!!
So we had another great week here in Vicente Noble. Its crazy how quickly the time keeps going. I cant believe that I've already had 3 full weeks with Hermana Velasquez and that there are only 3 weeks left of this transfer! I keep thinking about how I might leave Vicente Noble in 3 weeks and that just makes me want to appreciate every moment so much more! I feel so blessed all the time to be able to be here with these people that I love so much. This rama here is seriously so special and the Spirit is so strong with these dedicated members of the Church here!
We had a couple of really powerful moments this week. We continue to work with menos activos a lot as well as the new members that were baptized recently. There is one recent convert that was baptized in December and has been having a really hard time. She has a lot of work in her home and many things calling on her attention all the time. She hasn't been to church in several weeks and so we've been working really hard to help her remember the blessings of being at church and why its so important for our Spiritual well-being. There's an example we use all the time when teaching about church. Our spirits are like the battery of a cell phone. Eventually the energy will run out and you need to recharge it. This is exactly how our spirits work. Going to church is our opportunity to recharge our spiritual batteries so we can make it through our week. When we don't go to church, we're trying to do everything in our lives but without the energy and help we need from the Lord! We visited this recent convert and spoke about why church is so important and how its really our choice to go and receive these blessings. Our Heavenly Father will never force us but will always bless us when we do what we should! It was a really powerful lesson and we were so filled with joy when she came to church this Sunday!! These small choices make such a large impact in our lives and I know the Lord was helping us to help this recent convert get back on track.
This Sunday was District Conference which is the equivalent of Stake Conference. We all had the opportunity to go to Barahona and hear many talks and testimonies that were really powerful. President and Hermana Nuckols of the mission were also there and it was really great. We had so many members and people make the journey with us and it was really special. The theme was Amar a su projimo, or in other words Love your neighbor. Loving and serving others is such a pivotal part of the example of Jesus Christ and there are really so many blessings when we work in the service of our fellow man. Being here in Vicente Noble, I have found an even greater appreciation of service and helping others than ever before. There are always so many opportunities to look outside yourself and help another. I have such a strong testimony of service and truly when we are helping others there are so many things that we learn and gain for ourselves as well. It's one of the main ways that the Lord teaches and blesses us!!
Anyway I am doing great and just loving every moment! I hope that you all have a great week and find opportunities to serve others!!
Hermana Graham
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